Two Walls Framed

June 22, 2004

Two walls are framed and braced. We spent the time between June 6, when the pad was poured and June 22, the time this photo was taken, to figure out material needs for the shed project. The Home Depot was very helpful with this phase, particularly in the design of the roof. They were also able to track down some siding identical with our house's siding. We took delivery of the material Saturday, June 19. All material easily fit in a garage stall, including the two eighteen feet long 2" X 8" lumber later paired up for the roof ridge beam.

Walls were generally constructed from 2" X 4" fir lumber. Vertical pieces were seven feet long. Bottom sill plate was 2" X 4" redwood. This rested on a tape-like sealant that came in rolls, visible in the picture as the pale blue object near the small stepladders. In the past, construction adhesive was applied instead.