Concrete Truck

June 6, 2004

The concrete truck was able to back over the drain field location per the concrete placer and truck driver. When they saw where the septic tank was located, they both agreed that the lines and field were buried deeply enough that the concrete truck most likely would not do damage. Saved lots and lots of wheelbarrowing. Right at the end, however, we ran out of mix. The contractor had not taken into account the slope of the site and we ended up about a cubic yard shy. Fortunately, the concrete company was able to snag another truck coming off a major project downtown that had enough leftover concrete to finish our job. And we did not even have to pay for the extra concrete. The second truck driver didn't feel comfortable backing his truck through our twelve-foot wide gate at the back of the property. He was relatively new on the job and the first truck just barely squeaked through the opening. Because of the slope, the first driver also had to engage the second rear axle to make it up backward. About four wheelbarrow loads worth of concrete had to be hauled clear across the backyard to the pad site.